‘Women will be forced to travel for abortion’ after doctors’ decision

Irish Independent

Eilish O’Regan

A decision by the four obstetricians in one of the main hospitals in the south-east not to offer an abortion service will force women to travel even though it may be difficult and expensive for them to do so, it was claimed yesterday.

The Abortion Rights Campaign was reacting to a letter to GPs from the four doctors in St Luke’s Hospital in Kilkenny which said it was “decided unanimously that the hospital is not an appropriate location for medical or surgical terminations”. . . . [Full text]

Doctors sign letter against ‘assisted suicide’ Bill


More than 1000 doctors have signed an open letter saying they want no part in what they call assisted suicide.

The Care Alliance, a charity which opposes physician-assisted euthanasia, has taken out a full-page ad in the New Zealand Herald.

The signatories endorse the views of the World Medical Association and New Zealand Medical Association, that euthanasia is unethical, even if made legal. . . [Full text]

Major row erupts over lack of abortion services in Kilkenny

Kilkenny Now

A BITTER war of words has erupted over the failure of St Luke’s General Hospital in Kilkenny to provide abortions services.

This morning it was reported that four consultant obstetricians at St Luke’s, among them an anti-abortion campaigner, have written to local GPs to advise that termination services are not available in the hospital.

The letter, signed by Ray O’Sullivan, Raouf Salam, Yuddandi Nagaveni, and Trevor Hayes, said that, following discussions between the four, it was “decided unanimously that the hospital is not an appropriate location for medical or surgical terminations”.

Mr Hayes was a prominent anti-abortion campaigner during the referendum to repeal the Eighth Amendment in May 2018.

Abortion rights campaigners reacted angrily to the news. . . [Full text]

Abortions can’t be provided at St Luke’s Hospital for Carlow/Kilkenny according to consultants


MaryAnn Vaughn

St Luke’s Hospital will not be providing abortion services.

That’s according to four consultant obstetricians at the local hospital who have penned a letter to the Ireland East Hospital Group advising them that they won’t be providing terminations. . . [Full text]

App that connects users with abortion providers launches across Canada

Choice Connect app was first released locally and in southwestern Ontario in 2017

CBC News

A smartphone app that matches people with their nearest abortion provider launches across Canada on Wednesday.

The web-based app was developed by Waterloo region’s Shore Centre, a sexual health resource centre. 

Choice Connect was developed with the help of Kitchener’s Zeitspace and was first launched in southwestern Ontario in 2017. . . [Full text]