A federal judge in Colorado has granted an injunction that allows Hercules Industries to refuse to provide health insurance coverage for employees for contraception, embryocides and sterilization. The owner of the company is a Catholic who objects to facilitating the services for religious reasons. Lawyers for the company suggested that the government itself could offer such a plan. The injunction will protect the company pending the outcome of a trial and appeals. [Christian Science Monitor] [Washington Examiner]
Tag: HHS preventive services mandate (USA)
Injunction sought against mandatory insurance for contraception, embryocides, sterilization
The Thomas More Law Center of Ann Arbor, Michigan., has filed an emergency motion asking for a temporary restraining against the new federal requirement that most employers provide insurance to cover contraception, embryocides and sterilization for their employees. The suit was on behalf of Legatus, a major Catholic business organization and Weingartz Supply Co. and its president, Daniel Weingartz, of Ann Arbor. [Politico]
Evangelical college joins lawsuit against U.S. federal government
In response to a regulation that requires employers to pay for insurance for contraceptives, embryocides and sterilization, despite moral or religious objections, Wheaton College of Illinois has filed a lawsuit against Department of Health and Human services.
Judges dismiss suits against U.S. federal department as premature
Federal judges have dismissed lawsuits brought by Belmont Abbey and the State of Nebraska against the Department of Health and Human Services on the grounds that their suits are premature. The judges’ rulings rely on the fact that the federal government has not yet finalized its regulations and is not yet enforcing them against religious employers.[Nebraska ruling] [Belmont Abbey ruling]
U.S. appropriations bill modified to protect freedom of conscience
The U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor/HHS action has added two provisions to the annual appropriations bill which will deny the Department of Health and Human Services funding for enforcing regulations that suppress freedom of conscience. [CNA] [USCCB news release]