Project Submission to the General Medical Council of the United Kingdom

Re: Personal beliefs and medical practice: A draft for consultation

  • Background | The General Medical Council is the state agency that regulates the medical profession in Britain.  A draft guideline on personal beliefs and medical practice generated concern that, if adopted, it would produce an “atmosphere of fear” among physicians who are religious believers. Project Submission

Canadian Society of Palliative Care Physicians rejects euthanasia

The Canadian Society of Palliative Care Physicians has rejected a recommendation from a Quebec legislative committee that euthanasia and physician assisted suicide be legalized.  The Society stated that the procedures contradict “a fundamental tenet” of the Society and most palliative care physicians.  The president of the Society said “We are concerned that, despite the fact that our members are unwilling to provide these services, this may be mandated if it becomes law in Quebec.” [CSPCP statement]

German Medical Association apologizes for physician complicty in Nazi atrocities

The German Medical Association has acknowledged and apologized for the participation of German physicians in Nazi programs of forced sterilization, euthanasia, and human experimentation.  The statement also acknowledged that “leading members of the medical community” were involved. [Washington Post]

Concern expressed in United Kingdom over proposed physician guidelines

Bishop Tom Williams, chairman of the Healthcare Reference Group of Britain’s Catholic bishops’ conference, is encouraging Catholic physicians and others to respond to the General Medical Council’s draft guideline on personal beliefs and medical practice.  Bishop Williams warned that the document is likely to produce an “atmosphere of fear” among physicians who are religious believers.  The General Medical Council is the state agency that regulates the medical profession. [Catholic Herald]