The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty has listed 30 lawsuits pending against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services regulation that would compel employers to provide insurance for contraception, embryocides and sterilization, despite moral or religious objections.
American Cardinals speak forcefully on freedom of conscience and religion
Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York and President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) addressed the John Carroll Society in Washington, D.C. on the theme of “Let Religious Freedom Ring.” Cardinal Dolan stated that “freedom of religion has been the driving force of almost every enlightened, un-shackling, noble cause in American history,” and that defence of religious freedom is “the quintessential American cause, the first line in the defense of and protection of human rights.”[Zenit] [My Catholic Standard] During thekeynote address at the Catholic Perspectives on Religious Liberty symposium at Georgetown University, Donald Cardinal Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington, D.C. argued that to relegate religion to the private sphere and silence moral teaching in public is dangerous because religious belief is “the conscience of society.” [CNS]
Philippines Senate amends Reproductive Health bill
In an attempt to break a deadlock, the Philippines Senate has removed provisions of its version of the Reproductive Health bill that were thought to promote abortion and contraception. President Benigno Aquino wants the bill passed because he considers it essential to his economic development programme, but the bill remains highly controversial. [Philippine Daily Inquirer] [The Guardian]
Professors at Catholic university in Philippines support Reproductive Health bill
192 professors of the Jesuit Ateneo de Manila University from its Loyola Schools, School of Medicine and Public Health, Law School and School of Government have signed a declaration affirming support for the controversial Reproductive Health bill. The declaration states that the bill “is a vital piece of legislation that needs to be passed urgently” and asserts that the key principles of the bill are compatible with Catholic social teaching. [Declaration]
McGill University professor suggests new profession needed if euthanasia legalized
J. Donald Boudreau, Arnold P. Gold Foundation Associate Professor of Medicine at McGill University, has written a column protesting a decision by a B.C. Supreme Court judge to legalize physician assisted suicide and euthanasia. Dr. Boudreau argues that the decision, if upheld, would poison the practice of medicine. He closes with the suggestion that, if Canadians are willing legalize assisted suicide and euthanasia despite the concerns of palliative care physicians, responsibility for providing the services should be assigned to a new profession: euthanatrics. [Globe and Mail]