12 lawsuits, 43 plaintiffs sue US federal government over birth control mandate

43 Catholic dioceses, organizations and and institutions have filed 12 lawsuits against the U.S. federal government to stop the federal regulation that will compel objecting employers to provide insurance for contraceptives, embryocides and sterilization.  The news has been welcomed by the Catholic Medical Association, and applauded by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops as “a compelling display of the unity of the Church in defense of religious liberty.” The Conference is not a party to the suits [CMA news release; USCCB news release; Washington Examiner].  The lawsuits and plaintiffs are:

1.  District of Columbia Lawsuit

  • Archdiocese of Washington
  • Consortium of Catholic Academies
  • Archbishop Carroll High School
  • Catholic Charities of D.C.
  • The Catholic University of America

2.  E.D.N.Y. Lawsuit

  • Diocese of Rockville Centre
  • Catholic Health Services of Long Island
  • Catholic Charities of Rockville Centre
  • Archdiocese of N.Y.
  • ArchCare

3.  W.D.Pa. (Erie Div.) Lawsuit

  • Diocese of Erie
  • St. Martin Center
  • Prince of Peace Center

4.  W.D.Pa. (Pitt. Div.) Lawsuit

  • Diocese of Pittsburgh
  • Catholic Charities of Diocese of Pittsburgh
  • Catholic Cemeteries Association of Diocese of Pittsburgh

5.  N.D.Tex. (Dallas Div.) Lawsuit

  • Diocese of Dallas

6.  N.D.Tex. (Fort Worth Div.) Lawsuit

  • Diocese of Fort Worth

7.  S.D. Ohio (Columbus Div.) Lawsuit

  • Franciscan University of Steubenville
  • Michigan Catholic Conference

8.  S.D.Miss. (Gulfport Div.) Lawsuit

  • Diocese of Jackson
  • Catholic Charities of Jackson
  • Vicksburg Catholic School
  • St. Joseph’s Catholic School
  • Diocese of Biloxi
  • De l’Epee Deaf Center Inc.
  • Catholic Social & Community Services Inc.
  • Resurrection Catholic School
  • Sacred Heart Catholic School
  • St. Dominic Health Services

9.  N.D.Ind. (South Bend Div.) Lawsuit

  • The University of Notre Dame

10.  N.D. Ind. (Fort Wayne Div.) Lawsuit

  • Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend
  • Catholic Charities of Fort Wayne-South Bend
  • St. Anne Home
  • Franciscan Alliance
  • Our Sunday Visitor
  • University of St. Francis

11.  N.D.Ill. Lawsuit

  • Diocese of Joliet
  • Catholic Charities of Joliet
  • Diocese of Springfield
  • Catholic Charities of Springfield

12. E.D.Mo. (St. Louis Div.)

  • Archdiocese of St. Louis
  • Catholic Charities of St. Louis

US Catholic Bishops call Obama administration policy unlawful

Lawyers representing the US Conference of Catholic Bishops say that a federal regulation that will force objecting employers to provide health insurance coverage for contraceptives, embryocides and sterilization  is “unlawful.”  The submission points out that the regulation has not been changed to accommodate objecting religious believers and institutions, and warns that a lawsuit may prove to be “the only remaining recourse.” [CNA, EWTN]

Franciscan University in Ohio drops student health insurance

The Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio, has announced that, effective 15 August, 2012, it will no longer provide health insurance coverage for students nor require them to have health insurance.  The decision was made because the University refuses to comply with a federal regulation that requires such plans to provide coverage for contraceptives, sterilization and embryocides.[University statement]

Catholic business group files lawsuit against US federal government

A lawsuit has been filed against the U.S. federal government in Michigan by Legatus, a national organization of Catholic business leaders, and the Weingartz Supply Company, a Michigan retailer, the President of which is a member of Legatus.  The suit seeks a permanent injunction against the HHS regulation that requires employers to provide health insurance coverage for birth control and sterilization on the grounds that the law violates freedom of conscience and religion.  [News Release]

Hercules versus Obama

ADF attorneys file suit against administration’s ‘abortion pill’ mandate on behalf of Denver’s Hercules Industries


Monday, April 30, 2012

Alliance Defence  Fund

ADF attorney sound bite: Matt Bowman

DENVER — Alliance Defense Fund attorneys representing a private Denver employer filed a federal lawsuit Monday against the Obama administration over its mandate that forces the family-owned business to violate its religious beliefs by requiring it to offer insurance coverage for abortion-inducing drugs, sterilization, and contraception.

Because the company, Hercules Industries, would be required to begin offering the new coverage when its self-insured plan renews on Nov. 1, the case is one of the only ones in the nation requesting a court order that would halt the mandate within the next three months.

“The government shouldn’t punish people of faith for making decisions in accordance with their faith,” said ADF Legal Counsel Matt Bowman. “Every American should know that a government with the power to do this to anyone can do this–and worse–to everyone. The abortion pill mandate unconstitutionally coerces the leadership of Hercules Industries to violate their religious beliefs and consciences under the threat of heavy fines and penalties. That is simply not acceptable in America.”

Hercules owners William Newland, Paul Newland, James Newland, and Christine Ketterhagen, and its vice-president, Andrew Newland, are practicing and believing Catholics. They desire to run the company, an HVAC manufacturer, in a manner that reflects their sincerely held religious beliefs, including their belief that God requires respect for the sanctity of human life. Their lawsuit, Newland v. Sebelius, is in the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado.

In February, ADF attorneys filed suit against the mandate on behalf of two private Christian colleges, Geneva College in Pennsylvania and Louisiana College in Louisiana.

ADF is a legal alliance of Christian attorneys and like-minded organizations defending the right of people to freely live out their faith. Launched in 1994, ADF employs a unique combination of strategy, training, funding, and litigation to protect and preserve religious liberty, the sanctity of life, marriage, and the family.