The Catholic Health Association of the United States, which first responded favourably to a claim by the Obama administration that it would accommodate religious objectors, has now formally stated its opposition to the plans to force employers to provide health insurance for contraception, embryocidal drugs and devices and sterilization.
Tag: HHS preventive services mandate (USA)
Mormon physicians protest mandatory contraception coverage
The Collegium Aesculapium Foundation, an independent organization of Mormon physicians and health care professionals, has submitted a formal comment criticizing the Obama adminstration’s plan to force employers to provide health insurance forembryocidal drugs and devices and sterilization, despite moral or religious objections.
US Catholic bishops meeting focuses on freedom of conscience
At a meeting of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore argued that the bishops must support freedom of conscience for individuals, including small businessmen and other employers who object to providing insurance coverage for contraception, embryodical drugs and devices and sterilization. The Papal Nuncio told the audience that it was important for the Church to speak with one voice. Several related initiatives were discussed. [Natiional Catholic Register]
New freedom of conscience advocacy group formed in USA
A new organization, Conscience Cause, has been formed to advocate for freedom of conscience in the United States. It is a non-profit, non-partisan, public policy advocacy organization comprised of leaders from various faiths that intends to petition Congress to stop legislation that would force individuals or corporations to violate their religious beliefs. The executive director of the organization has made a strong statement concerning the controversial “contraceptive mandate” imposed by the Obama administration.
US Conference of Catholic Bishops circular on freedom of conscience
A bulletin insert about freedom of conscience published by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops has been made available to parishes in the United States.